What to Do After Your DUI Probation Ends
If you were convicted for DUI in California, you might have faced jail time, a suspended license, or probation. After you have served your time and your probation is up, what steps should you take to ensure that you satisfy all of your legal duties and get your life back on track? Are there any fines to pay, court dates to attend, or other steps you legally need to take? Read on for advice on what to do after your DUI probation ends, and reach out to a dedicated Ventura DUI defense attorney if you have been arrested for drunk driving in southern California.
Petition for expungement
Many convictions in California can be effectively dismissed or at least hidden from public view (sealed) after probation is completed. Once you have completed your probation, you may be able to petition for the expungement of your criminal conviction under California Penal Code (PC) Section 1203.4. PC 1203.4 allows you to petition to have your conviction expunged so long as you have not committed any other offenses in the meantime, have fully complied with your probation requirements, and you have successfully completed your probation.
Expungement will not completely erase a DUI from your record. Your DUI will stay on your driving record for ten years before disappearing. However, it will remove the DUI from your criminal record. On job applications, for example, you can legally state that you have no criminal convictions on your record.
Move on with your life
Once your probation is complete and your probation has been terminated by the court, you are no longer subject to the requirements of your probation. That means that you cannot be cited for a violation of your probation conditions. You do not need to check in with a probation officer, appear for more court dates, or satisfy any additional legal duties. So long as you have a valid driver’s license and car insurance, you can legally drive your car just as you would before your DUI arrest. If you have specific questions or concerns, consult with a California DUI attorney.
Call for Help After an Arrest in Oxnard and Ventura County
If you are facing criminal charges in southern California, get talented, passionate, and trial-ready legal help by contacting the Ventura offices of Paul Tyler for a free consultation at 805-889-9000.